hello@raphahealthcare.co.uk 01923819510 0749 513 0405

We have considerable experience on the advice, guidance and practice of immunisation schedules to enable employers to comply with the most up to date legislation.  Whether your staff are healthcare workers, plumbers, waste handlers, or employees who are exposed to other workplace hazards, we offer different vaccination programmes such as; Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, Measles Mumps & Rubella (MMR), Varicella, Tetanus, and Seasonal Flu to prevent disease associated with their role.

Having an effective vaccination and recall system gives confidence to workers that are exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases that protection is being provided and also provides reassurance for management should you be inspected by HSE or local authority inspectors.

The vaccination programmes can be offered to staff on-site or wherever the employees are based, as requested by the employer.

We also offer post vaccinations and needlestick injury follow up blood tests.